July 2024

Dear Visitors

I'm quiting

It is GAME OVER for this site and the walkthroughs

It has become too complicated and too expensive for me, as a 70-year-old retiree with a modest income, to continue maintaining my own website to provide you with free game walkthroughs. I have to pay for it all with my own money and I'm no longer willing to do that.  As of August 18, 2024, my contract with STRATO has been canceled and my site will then disappear.  Of course, Dick and I will continue to play games and help each other, but now only for our own pleasure

July 18, 2024:

 The Webmaster of the Mystery Manor site (Ghostlady) has convinced me, after long and intensive negotiations, to let the Mystery Manor site host the walkthroughs of Louis Koot and Dick Leeuw. I'm not easily convinced, so Ghostly has earned my respect for that she mannaged to convince me.  I do have to adapt the walkthroughs a bit to the requirements of Mystery Manor and so it will take a while before you can find them via the Mystery Manor site. For those who are not familiar with the Mystery Manor site, it is basically a games community site with forums but also with game walkthroughs. You can find the site at this address: https://mysterymanor.net/,  if you would like to talk to other gamers you can become a member of Mystery Manor and I hereby invite you to do so.  But you don't have to be a member to use the walkthroughs because they are publicly available.

July 25, 2024

For those who would like to have the walkthroughs themselves, I have packaged all English walkthroughs and uploaded them here as a zip file. You can download this walkthrough file here until August 17, 2024. In this zip file you will find most of our walkthroughs. Download and unpack (unzip) and then you will have all the walkthroughs in their own folder as HTML documents with all screenshots. You can download this walkthrough file here via this download link, it is packed with winzip and after downloading you must first unzip it. It is approximately 8 gigabytes in size

Download the walkthroughs

Louis Koot